The products of Home Concept represent „affordable luxury” with such well-known manufacturers as SEDIT Italia, Gala Collezione and Richmond Interiors. The family-run business, established more than 20 years ago not only offers the products of 100+ European furniture producers but also puts a great emphasis on other interior design items in accordance with its „passion for interior design” slogan. You are warmly welcomed to visit their showroom in Budaors to get a hint about it.
The high quality, tailor-made Italian ceramic dining tables and the pocket-spring dining- and bar chairs have an important role in the company’s offer just like the various fully customizable sofas. At S/ALON 2024 the visitors will have the opportunity to have a closer view of the most popular models.
Website |
Contact info@homeconcept.hu06 20 234 2100 |
Place 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 165. |
Founded in 2003, SEDIT Italia has become an essential name in the production of premium Italian dining tables and chairs. The company’s owners aimed to combine traditional craftsmanship with modern technology, all in the spirit of uniqueness and customization. Their philosophy is that every encounter between materials and textures can give rise to something truly unique and special.
Website Collezione’s philosophy is that sofas are at the heart of family life, so beauty and comfort are inseparable. They also take care of the quality of the materials used, including aqua clean fabrics and leathers, which ensure long life and durability.
Website, Richmond Interiors has grown to become one of the Netherlands’ best-known design furniture distributors. In addition to furniture collections that follow the latest international trends, a wide range of lamps and decorative elements also play an important role in the product range.
A Passe-Partout filozófiája a szenvedélyes kézműves munka és a pozitív atmoszféra megteremtése köré épül. Nagy hangsúlyt fektetnek a különböző textúrák és anyagok kombinálására, hogy egyedi és személyre szabott termékeket hozzanak létre. Céljuk az igazi Passe-Partout életérzés megteremtése a „Home Stories” kollekció által, a fenntarthatóság és a megfizethetőség jegyében. Ennek lényege, hogy nem csak egy-egy bútordarabot, hanem komplett enteriőröket kínálnak, a kanapéktól és asztaloktól kezdve az székeken keresztül egészen a lámpákig és szőnyegekig.
Website Appartamenti has become a key player in the Polish market, known for manufacturing customizable sofas equipped with extra comfort features. They believe that sofas are not just functional furniture pieces but also the centerpiece of a home, expressing the owner’s personality and style. The long-lasting durability and exceptional comfort of their products are guaranteed by high-quality materials and excellent craftsmanship.