The unique and natural wool rugs of Berber Budapest are hand-knotted in the Atlas Mountains of Africe. The carpets are the instinctive creations of the Berber women of Morocco, and are perfectly suitable for modern environments, bringing personality and homely warmth to any interior. These rural communities produce surprisingly contemporary rugs that perfectly encapsulate their creators’ individuality, sense of humour and storytelling, resulting in outstandingly charming and lovable products.
The core of Berber Budapest’s portfolio includes the clean and lightly colored Beni Ourain rugs, colorfoul Azilal carpets, warm Boujaads and the extravagant Boucherouite carpets made entirely of recycled material.
The founder of the brand is a professional weaver herself, meaning that she understands how important exposure is for the creators of these products. Berber Budapest works closely with weaver communities, and has established a personal relationship with a number of small family businesses.
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Contact +36 30 190 |
Place 1222 Nagytétényi út 48-50. |